The GCA-PMR Spectrum - Moving on After 65 Years

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CPD: Applied for.

Course Objectives

  • Pending.
  • CPD certificate on completion (applied for).

What's Included?

  • 1 Day Meeting at BMA House London
  • Pending.

Click here for course programme


Capacity is limited to 50 delegates per course to ensure maximum machine to delegate ratio.

Prof. Bhaskar Dasgupta

Prof. Bhaskar Dasgupta

Consultant Rheumatologist

Professor Dasgupta Professor Dasgupta is regarded as one of the leading clinicians in his specialty worldwide and has helped Southend University Hospital grow to become one of the foremost centres of Rheumatological advancement globally. The Unit is renowned for research, teaching and training. Also, a Clinical Director of Research at the Hospital, he was awarded an Honorary Professorship by the University of Essex - the hospital's first professorship at a United Kingdom university and has been key to forging strong links between the hospital and academia, with the relationship of the University of Essex and Southend Hospital.

Christian Dejaco

Christian Dejaco


Alwin Sebastian

Alwin Sebastian

Currently a Consultant Rheumatologist at University Hospital Limerick, Ireland. Honorary research fellow at Southend University Hospital, UK. He completed a Fellowship in GCA funded by a grant from the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) (Bresnahan-Molloy educational fellowship award) under the mentorship of Professor Dasgupta at Southend. Dr Sebastian holds the MRCP both in UK and Ireland. He has completed a Masters in Rheumatology at King's College London with a Merit and is currently a PhD candidate in Giant Cell Arteritis at the University of Essex. He is presently leading a prospective multicentre (international) observational study in GCA (HAS GCA) which is included within the NIHR portfolio in the UK. He is an external tutor for the first contact practitioners (MSK masters) at the University of Essex, UK. He won the Paul Bacon Vasculitis research award from the British Society of Rheumatology in 2020 and runners up in William Stokes trainee research award from RCPI in 2021.

Amin Khurshid

Amin Khurshid

Dr Khurshid works as a Consultant Rheumatologist at University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust. He is currently the clinical lead for the rheumatology services at Poole Hospital and also leads GCA and vasculitis services in Dorset. His main areas of interest include musculoskeletal sonography and Giant Cell Arteritis. After getting his training in temporal artery ultrasound at Southend, Dr Khurshid has set up a rapid access GCA service for the county of Dorset. He is actively involved in research around GCA and is a part of multiple multicentre trials.

Alessandro Tomelleri

Alessandro Tomelleri

Dr Alessandro Tomelleri graduated in Medicine at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milan, Italy) and completed a residency program in Clinical Immunology at the same Institution. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in Experimental and Clinical Medicine with a project focused on giant cell arteritis pathogenesis. Dr Tomelleri has a deep interest in the field of large-vessel vasculitis and, to enhance his expertise, he spent 5 months as a Research Fellow at the Rheumatology Department of the Southend University Hospital (UK). There, under the mentorship of Professor Dasgupta, he improved his skills with vascular ultrasound. Thanks to this experience, he has recently established the first GCA Fast-Track clinic at his Institution.

Kornelis van der Geest

Kornelis van der Geest


Douglas Ogg

Douglas Ogg

Director Orca Medical Ltd, Lecturer on underlying physical principles of ultrasound

BSc Comparative Physiology (1983), MSc Information Science (1984), Medical device industry 1985present. Invited lecturer on numerous programs teaching underlying physical principles of ultrasound and optical technologies.

Technology application expertise specialising in ultrasound imaging, endoscopy, and minimally invasive therapies. Involved from the industry side in the development and adoption into clinical use of various image guided applications including Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) – guided FNA, Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) – guided FNA, Laser fetoscopy for treatment of Twin-Twin Transfusion syndrome (named author on first report of use), Interstitial image guided laser therapies, HIFU for treatment of prostate ca. Member of technical application teams at Olympus leading introduction of Narrow Band Imaging into gastroenterology, urology and surgery.

Time Topic Description Speaker/Presenter
10:00 - 10:50 The GCA-PMR Spectrum Discussion (including panel) on Proposition 1 Giant cell arteritis (GCA) and polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) should not be considered as independent dis- eases, but as separate clinical manifestations be- longing to a common disease spectrum (GCA-PMR spectrum) due to differential activation within a shared pathogenetic pathway. This association may be best described as GCA PMR spectrum disease (GPSD). Bhaskar Dasgupta
10:50 - 11:40 Evidence for GCA phenotypes Discussion (including panel) on Proposition 2 It is possible to identify different phenotypes accord- ing to the main symptoms and the vascular territories affected (i.e., cranial, extracranial, ischaemic). Alwin Sebastian
11:40 - 12:30 Evidence for GCA phenotypes Discussion (including panel) on Proposition 3 Clinical entity with isolated girdle involvement, Associated symptom of all GCA phenotypes especially LV-GCA. Associated symptom with peripheral arthritis (especially in older people). Associated with RS3PE – polymyalgia with acral synovitis, tenosynovitis, pitting oedema". Asim Khurshid
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:20 Diagnostic and T2T assessment of PMR and GCA Discussion (including panel) on Proposition 4 When clinically assessing suspected GCA or PMR signs and symptoms associated with GCA and PMR should be sought, and alternate diagnoses excluded. Christian Dejaco
14:20 - 15:10 Disease stratification GCA PMR spectrum Discussion (including panel) on Proposition 5 A significant percentage of GPSD have a relapsing course with insufficient response to glucocorticoid monotherapy, disease and treatment related dam- age. Early detection of these phenotypes and disease stratification is indicated in clinical practice and re- search to enable appropriate use of disease modify- ing and biologic agents as well as better stratification of clinical trials. Alessandro Tomelleri
15:10 - 15:25 Break
15:25 - 16:15 Imaging the GCAPMR spectrum Discussion (including panel) on Proposition 6 Imaging may be indicated according to clinical pheno- type and diagnostic uncertainty. This may allow better determination of the involved site of inflammation, dis- ease stratification (e.g. relapsing v remitting ) and thus treatment stratification. It may also contribute to early exclusion of alternate diagnoses. This is in accordance with ACR EULAR 2022 GCA and ACREULAR 2012 PMR criteria. Kornelis van der Geest

How do I know whether a course is suitable for me?

The programme for each course is formulated by the course director and a description of the content and intended learning objectives is provided.

Who are the course directors?

The biographies for the Course directors of each course are provided so that you can see their experience.

Does this course qualify me to perform ultrasound guided injections in my workplace?

In order to perform image guided injections in your workplace you must conform to your local guidelines and competency requirements.

Do I need to have scanned before in order to attend a course?

Our Foundation courses are specifically designed for people who have no previous scanning experience.

What about if I want to keep my handheld ultrasound at the end of the course?

There are options available to buy, rent or lease these and other ultrasound products that we sell. If you are interested please inform a member of our training staff or email us at

How will I receive my Orca POD?

When you have registered you'll be asked to fill out a form which gives us your preferred delivery details. Your Orca POD will be shipped to you via DHL Express. You get to keep and use the Orca POD for the entire duration of the course and we'll arrange the collection after the last session/assessment.

How will I be able to operate the handheld ultrasound on my own?

We provide pre-course technical support to help you from the time you receive your Orca POD. Our team is available for one-on-one meetings before and between sessions to support you.

What if I cannot make one of the sessions?

When someone is unable to attend a session a colleague can attend in their place.

What's included in the price?

The Course Fee includes the rental of the equipment for the entire duration of the course as well as the tutor's fee, shipping, CPD points and certificate.

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